Stranded Capital Presentation


At the March PFMC meeting in Sacramento, Dr. Jim Wilen gave a presentation on the concept of stranded capital in fisheries that have experienced rationalization through programs such as Individual Fishermen's Quotas (IFQ). This concept has been put forward by some businesses that are involved in the purchasing and processing of fish that has been caught and sold to them by commercial fishermen, as justification for the agrument that fish processors should be issue quota shares in any IFQ program.


Dr. Wilen discusses the concept and explains when stranded capital may occur.


The links below on the left is to an audio file to listen to the recording of the presentation. The audio file may be downloaded by following the link on the right side.

If you have Microsoft Power Point, you may also view Dr. Wilen's presentation by using the link on the left and may download that Power Point file by following the link on the right.



Listen to audio track with these links:
Download audio tracks with these links:


Will Stelle's Introduction

Dr. Wilen's Presentation

Follow-up Q&A session

Will Stelle's Introduction

Dr. Wilen's Presentation

Follow-up Q&A session


Power Point Presentation of Stranded Capital Talk